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queer adult writer

reference, disclaimer and links carrd for gutterpupper's twitter account and fictional work. please select a section below.


all avatar credit to my bro, mue.


queer adult writer

queer nsfw writer. pan. 36. he/him. trash raccoon. kink positive.

Welcome to my carrd for my Twitter account. I've made this card with the aim to talk about and inform you a little bit more about the user behind the avatar.

Who is gutterpupper

I am a writer and have been for many years. My main forte is realism but I do dabble in fantasy or science fiction topics occasionally. I write mostly for original characters but I sometimes do fandom works. I can write anything from fluffy romance to smutty encounters.My characters are my pride and joy and I love taking them on journeys through the stories I tell. Sometimes they will struggle, sometimes they will be supporting people and sometimes they will make flawed but human mistakes. This is the power of writing and why enjoy bringing these tales to life.I am kink positive, so you may find me talking about my own kink (a sub in spanking) or supporting other kinks on my page. If personal topics or discussions of kink interactions make you feel uncomfortable, please do not follow me.


updated 22/12/2021

I block users for various reasons. These include:
users that are under 18.
users who repost art without credit.
users who are abusive.
users that push their kinks onto me.
users with red flag profile text/behaviours.
users who engage in call-out culture (inc. liking & retweeting).
I do not stand for immature or callous behavior on social media over fictional content. If you partake, engage, interact or support this sort of behavior, you will be blocked.If you feel you have been blocked in error, please let me know your Twitter ID over at askthepupper and I can check.

DNI if you...

I do not have a DNI list. Apart from the standard rules of that my content is not for those aged 18 or under, I don't feel DNI lists are a mature way of handling likes and dislikes, but I respect those who feel the need to use them. In my view, you can like whatever show, band, fandom, or pairing you want. If I don't share your passion or interest, that's cool. We are all unique and I respect your individuality.

content warning

I am open-minded when it comes to narratives and kinks in fiction. Whereas I will never write a sexual scene featuring an underage character, there may be other content contained in my work that some readers may feel uncomfortable with. I encourage everyone to read the tags or content warnings (CW) before proceeding and taking personal accountability for their own viewing habits. Please see my writing disclaimer for more info.


queer adult writer

reference and disclaimer carrd for gutter pupper's fictional work.


FICTION; literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.


updated 04/12/2022

This disclaimer is in effect for all of my fictional written works. By reading my writing anywhere, you are agreeing to this disclaimer.Under this pseudonym, the fictional work I create is intended for an adult audience and should only be read by those over eighteen years of age. By continuing, you agree you are eighteen or over.I write fictional stories for a variety of kinks. I consider myself as kink-friendly but this does not mean I enjoy writing every kink or engage in the kinks I write fictional stories for. All fictional characters engaged in sexual or kink content are aged eighteen or over, even where not explicitly outlined.I consider myself a writer of realism where I portray the struggles of real-life situations and interactions. This will mean that, on occasion, darker themes such as dealing with abuse, drugs/alcohol, violence, assault, and other themes that can upset readers may appear in some fictional works.There are tags on each fic which you should review to help decide if you wish to start/continue reading. I endeavor to tag everything but if you finish reading and feel a tag is missing, please leave a comment on the story.Under no circumstances does me writing a kink or theme in a fictional setting represent my interest or moral stance on these. My character's actions, behaviors or interactions do not define me as a writer or what I believe in as an individual. Whereas I accept that fiction can affect reality on a very limited number of occasions, it is ultimately the reader's responsibility for their behaviors and actions.


There are a variety of kinks that I enjoy, then there are those I write to explore and have fun with. However, please keep in mind that Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That's Okay) and that just because I write it, doesn't mean I am into it. When interacting or approaching me, it is best to check first of all by simply asking, and I will politely let you know.Kinks that I do enjoy writing for include spanking, discipline, bondage, femdom, shibari, toys, tentacles, watersports and more.

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